Thursday, April 9, 2009

Thoughts on Sanctification

Again, this is not a Bible study or theological thesis, but some short thoughts I've been having on sanctification. Perhaps as time permits I will turn the following thoughts into a more in-depth study with Scripture reference.

I've gotten the impression over the years as a Christian that sanctification was simply our efforts to try to be "cleaner" before a Holy God. But lately I'm thinking it is so much more; of course. My main thought of late is that sanctification is to strenghthen our spirits so that we may have the fortitude and courage to come up against evil. And not just a resisting of "temptation" in our personal lives, but again, it is so much more than that.

Sanctification, it seems to me, is God's way of strengthening His saints for battle. We are to be growing in sanctification so that we become a growing threat to evil forces in every sphere of life. We are to be strong in sanctification so that we are able, offensive, and courageous soldiers who attack the gates of God's enemies on every front...not so that we can just passively sit behind our walls ready to give our lives after the enemy breaks down the door.

So that's it. More when it comes to mind.

1 comment:

Susan Castleman said...

Hi, daddy! I like posts like these ones. Good points. Thank you! Very motivational and encouraging.